Have you thought about starting a blog? Don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry! This guide will help you do exactly that. Starting a blog can turn out to be a new hobby or it can also be useful for expanding your business presence online. It is not very expensive at all and most importantly, it is quite easy to set up, even if you don’t have any computer knowledge.
Follow the steps outlined below and to start a blog will turn out to be a simple and smooth process:
Decide your overall theme.
First things first, you need to select an appropriate theme for your blog. Think of ideas that interest you. Keep your passions and hobbies in mind when choosing a theme because you want to be able to stick to it in the long term. A theme allows you to distinguish your blog and its content and some of the areas you can explore are tech, art, fashion, family life, beauty and even cooking. You can attract like-minded individuals with your blog theme.
Create a name.
You need to decide a name when you have the theme and most people struggle with this aspect. Just remember that the name should either have a connection with your theme or you and should be easy to spell and remember.
Select a blogging platform.
There are numerous blogging platforms to choose from and the decision is yours. Blogger is a free platform provided by Google, but comes with restrictions. One of the most recognized blogging platforms is WordPress and it offers you tons of plugins and features. While it also has a free version, it is better to opt for the self-hosted one if you don’t want to deal with restrictions and limitations.
Set up hosting and domain name.
You need a hosting account for your self-hosted version of WordPress, which is basically your own reserved space on the internet that houses your website and its files. Hosting services will not cost you more than $5 a month and allow you to choose a domain name. Opt for one that matches your blog’s name.
Design your blog.
Once your blog has been set up, you need to give it a makeover. You can tailor the default themes of your blog as per your own taste or even install a unique design. There are lots of themes available on WordPress so you will have plenty of options to choose from.
Write your first post.
The most difficult part of starting a blog is over. Now you have to let your fingers do the talking, which means creating your first post. There are no rules that you have to follow here so you can just jump right in. You can play with the formatting options and add photos to your posts if you want.
Always keep a notebook with you for jotting down ideas for future blog posts as they come to you. This way, you will not have any trouble in posting to your blog and keep it interesting for everyone.