Learning Carnatic and Hindustani Music as an Adult
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Learning Carnatic and Hindustani Music as an Adult

Learning Carnatic and Hindustani Music as an Adult

The people of India have enjoyed a rich history of classical Hindustani and Carnatic music for centuries, and in the current century, the advancement of technology makes it even more robust. Generations ago, parents took pride in providing their children the highest musical education available to them, thus ensuring the continuation of this time-honored tradition. Children as young as three or four would begin learning the foundation of musical theory from their parents, grandparents or tutors and their education would continue well into adulthood–typically including many opportunities to perform for family, friends, and neighbors.

The Time is Now

However, times have changed, and so too must our students. Many of these child students were unable to fulfill their musical ambitions because their education was interrupted by other obligations. This left many with a musical passion deep in their hearts that they cannot access due to lack of training, resources, or time. Today, however, those who were not afforded the opportunity in childhood are returning as an adult to finish what they started. Thanks to the availability of good quality educators through online services, students in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond are finally able to resume their musical studies through online learning platforms like ipassio, allowing them to follow their musical passions and finish what they started.

Musical education will no longer take a backseat to other study or work obligations thanks to the ease of access to online learning content. Now that the population of adult learners has risen, educators have learned that while beginning musical education at a young age is always an advantage, there is no age limit to learning new skills and finding new talents. As adults, students are able to understand theory and apply practices in a way a child is not, with experience and maturity. There is no need to fear learning as an adult, as it can be a fulfilling experience. 

The Advantages of Adult Learning

Adult learners are more devoted to their practice, have a keen ear for rhythm, and a deeper understanding of the spiritual meaning of each piece. Because of this, those who have continued their musical education as an adult typically produce music with more depth of devotion, range of emotion, creativity of sound, and level of skill than their child-student counterparts. We know now that the love of music and thirst of musical ability is not hindered or dampened by age, but instead driven by the life experiences of our people and their desire to celebrate life.

Find your Guru 

Learning as an adult may be new to some students, but it is not new to modern educators. Providing educational content for adults is part of providing a high-quality education, as well as an essential part of the endeavor to keep rich musical heritage alive and thriving. Additionally, life-long learning is the cornerstone of any good educator, an inherent benefit to learning as an adult. Many of our adult musicians have enjoyed great success as they perform in concerts and musical festivals with pride. Although learning a new skill as an adult can be a daunting task, there are teachers and experts available to guide students through the learning process with creativity and joy. Ipassio has some of the most reputable teachers taking Carnatic music lessons to students all around the world.



She writes content for ipassio, an online 1 on 1 live hobby learning video platform, where over 120 senior teachers take Skype lessons on Indian classical music, Sitar, Tabla, Guitar, Piano, and many other instruments