Month: October 2019

Future Predictions Of AI That Everyone Should Know

Future Predictions Of AI That Everyone Should Know

As we realize that Artificial Intelligence is expanding colossal affirmation comprehensive. Artificial intelligence underpins the advancement of improved development which works basically like a human.  Even brands are teaming up with such innovation to give upgraded the user experience just…

How to Choose the Best Home Automation System

How to Choose the Best Home Automation System

For many homeowners, the next frontier is none other than home automation. A couple of years ago, most of the systems that were available in the market were expensive, difficult to use and designed primarily for large homes. However, the systems…

6 Best Practices to Secure Healthcare Data

6 Best Practices to Secure Healthcare Data

While technological innovation has helped the healthcare industry progress and various stakeholders stay connected in real-time, the convenience comes with a price. The risk of private data being compromised is now greater than ever. This poses a massive threat to…

5 Big Data Problems to Watch out For

5 Big Data Problems to Watch out For

Big data is big news right now. As data collection and analysis technology reaches exciting new heights, big data unlocks new ways of doing business. But like any nascent tech, it comes with problems.  Below, we’re looking at five big data problems to…