How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Software Development

How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Software Development

How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Software Development

Though seen by some as a threat, Artificial Intelligence is not really here to take over; it enters the stage as a software developer’s dependable and highly valuable assistant.

That’s right – for the past several years, AI proved to be quite helpful when it came to improving software development, automation testing, and agile test automation. All effort was geared towards making software development easier, faster, and overall – more reliable.

With AI comes a wide range of tools which aid in automating certain processes, while bringing down the need for human intervention to a minimum. As a result, the error rate is lower and the entire process runs more smoothly. When combined with Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI aids in better understanding user requirements and in that way enables building higher-end software.

Whether you intend to outsource software development activities or you are looking for viable solutions that will help boost in-house productivity, consider the option that includes AI-based solutions.

How AI shapes the software development process

Artificial intelligence helps automate manual tasks, which will increase business efficiency, as well as improve machine-driven decision-making processes. In fact, AI plays a crucial role in every step of the creation process:

Software design

When it comes to agreeing to a definitive design, the process can take time; shifting proposals back and forth inevitably leads to some types of errors, while an AI-based solution can make the iteration faster and more efficient. An Artificial Intelligence Design Assistant is capable of comprehending both customers’ and designers’ requirements. It can evaluate and examine a large number of combinations and, ultimately, propose an adequate software design solution.

Code generation

Writing a code from scratch is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process that requires a great deal of focus in order to be executed with as few mistakes as possible. By introducing an AI program as an assistant, a software developer’s workload is to some extent reduced.

Software testing

Once the beta version is up and running, the QT team enters to test the quality of the months’ or years-worth work. Without AI in place, the same testing process has to be completed after every single change in the code, no matter how minor it may be. A smart platform can cut the number of repetitive activities significantly, helping you reach the next stage faster and with more accurate results. Consequently, developers and testers will have more time on their hands to better prioritize their work.


AI tools help website developers discover errors in their codes easier, reducing the time it takes to perfect the program. The era of examining countless files is behind you; an AI solution can pinpoint certain errors near-instantly, shortening the testing process.

Software deployment

When the time comes to upgrade the software to a newer, improved version, a software developer is expected to be extremely accurate to prevent failure. With AI and ML algorithms, the entire process can be analyzed in advance to minimize the occurrence of any mishaps.

Process optimization

As ML solutions are able to learn from past projects, they gradually become a sort of a knowledge base you can turn to for all future endeavors. Add to this the fact that they can analyze the performance of existing projects and you get a powerful ally who can show you, in advance, if anything is going to go wrong and how you can better the approach.

Smarter applications

AI-powered applications are capable of interacting in a human-like manner. We are already seeing an increase in the use of smart assistants who are capable of recognizing our needs and offering adequate solutions/answers to our queries. And since we are witnessing a continual expansion and refinement of AI tools, we can only assume that the apps are going to get smarter than they already are.

Bottom Line

Artificial Intelligence is not just about making software development easier; more importantly, it is about delivering improved results. To maintain their position in the industry, software development companies are expected to employ AI solutions that will allow them to remain competitive.

Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business and marketing and is a regular contributor on several sites.



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