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Why Does A Healthcare Institution Need A Power Protection Plan?

The world is engulfed by the Covid-19 pandemic that has disturbed the global markets. Hospitals have to deal with the shortage of supplies, masks, and other essentials. One of the worse parts of it has been the devastating impact of…

Corrosion Inhibitors: 3 Steps to Avoid Computer Corrosion

Corrosion is defined by as the “destructive and unintentional degradation of a material caused by its environment.” It is interesting to note that the corroded state is the more stable state, so all environments cause metals to corrode to…

Keeping an Older Computer Running Quickly

Computers can be expensive, and this is especially the case if you’re going for a completely new system. The problem with this is we can see complete upgrades as the only solution when a system begins to slow. This isn’t…

5 Types of Software to Help Your Business Thrive

There are many points to consider when running a business, and it is useful to have different software to help you with various tasks. From translation to social media, there are plenty of tools and solutions to help your business…

6 Steps in Safe, Compliant Financial Software

In the world we live in today, we are fully dependent on the financial industry. Gone are the days when barter trade was in the air and physical goods would be exchanged for another. Because of this increased dependence on…

How To Create Clickable Ad Copies For Brands?

Ad campaigns have always proven to be beneficial for brands who want to showcase their products and services. With Facebook ads allowing companies to stand out from the crowd, it has become essential to create clickable ad copies. The success…

6 Online Security Tips for Responsible Behavior Any SMB-Owner Should Consider

                      The internet is one of the world’s most exquisite inventions. Can you argue with that? You’re just a few clicks from accessing and maintaining tons of information and data….

Options for Converting YouTube Videos to the MP3 File Format

At least 93% of the most-watched videos on YouTube are music videos. The platform’s 1.9 billion users love to use it to listen to their favorite songs. Downloading a YouTube video allows you to save it and watch it again and…

Your Guide to Choosing the Best Gaming Mouse

If you want to enjoy PC gaming, you can absolutely do that without spending money on a dedicated gaming mouse. As long as it can click, you can play! However, a gaming mouse will give you an improved experience and…

Data Integration Guide For Nonprofits: What is it and is it necessary?

  Successful nonprofit organizations rely on extensive donor databases to drive fundraising and engagement. A Blackbaud Salesforce integration can make it possible to access and share donor data across these platforms, and integration support is also available for other donor…